Journey of a soul...

Hi! My name is Sarah, and I'm not the person you see on the pic to the left. Oh no, that is the author of The Storyteller, whose human name is Sharon Tillotson. At least she thinks she is the author. In actuality of course, she had very little to do with the writing other than using her fingers to tap the keyboard. Though we will admit to a bit of brilliance now and again, in the way of actually listening to her guides and angels.
So who am I? I am the soul, and it has been my great joy to take the journey of writing this book along with the author. We've had some merry adventures along the way, though the human sometimes did not think it so much fun. Sometimes her lack of humor disturbs me.
We decided to write a spiritual coming-of-age story about a woman of a certain age who thinks she has it all and then has the rug pulled out from under her. Suzy agreed to all of this, of course, before she assumed her human body-mind, but she chose to forget that (and the spirit part of the trilogy) and instead decided to make the adventure into a struggle.
Pretty standard operating system for a human, wouldn't you say? I had the honor of being the storyteller/narrator of the book, and we told some tales from some of the past lives that informed the woman's character as we took her on the journey through her present life.
If you want to hear more, turn the page to About...
So who am I? I am the soul, and it has been my great joy to take the journey of writing this book along with the author. We've had some merry adventures along the way, though the human sometimes did not think it so much fun. Sometimes her lack of humor disturbs me.
We decided to write a spiritual coming-of-age story about a woman of a certain age who thinks she has it all and then has the rug pulled out from under her. Suzy agreed to all of this, of course, before she assumed her human body-mind, but she chose to forget that (and the spirit part of the trilogy) and instead decided to make the adventure into a struggle.
Pretty standard operating system for a human, wouldn't you say? I had the honor of being the storyteller/narrator of the book, and we told some tales from some of the past lives that informed the woman's character as we took her on the journey through her present life.
If you want to hear more, turn the page to About...
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